नमस्कार दोस्तों , आज की पोस्ट में हम बात करेंगे हरयाणा शिक्षक पात्रता परीक्षा के सिलेबस की जिसमें सभी विषयों के टॉपिक्स दिए हुए हैं |
Haryana TET TGT Mathematics Syllabus 2022
Child Development And Pedagogy :
1. Concept of development and its relationship with learning,
2. Principles of the development of children,
3. Influence of Heredity & Environment,
4. Socialization processes:
5. Social world & children (Teacher, Parents, Peers),
6. Concepts of child-centred and progressive education,
7. Critical perspective of the construct of Intelligence,
8. Multi-Dimensional Intelligence,
9. Language & Thought,
10. Addressing the needs of children with learning difficulties, ‘
11. impairment’ etc,
12. Addressing the Talented,
13. Creative,
14. Specially abled Learners,
15. Basic processes of teaching and learning;
16. children’s strategies of learning;
17. learning as a social activity;
18. social context of learning,
19. Child as a problem solver and a ‘scientific investigator,
20. Cognition & Emotions,
21. Motivation and learning,
22. Factors contributing to learning – personal & environmental.
Language Hindi
1. Noun
2. Pronoun
3. Adjective
4. Verb
5. Word
6. Gender
7. Prefix and Suffix
8. Sentence Formation (Simple, Compound and Compound Sentence)
9. Synonyms
10. Antonyms
11. Multiple Antonyms
12. Synonyms
13. Idioms and proverbs
14. Ornaments
15. Treaties
16. Similar
17. Tadbhav
18. Indigenous and foreign words
1. Articles
2. Modal
3. Narration
4. Pronoun
5. Adverb
6. Adjective
7. Verb
8. Preposition
9. Tenses
10. Punctuation
11. Voice
12. Vocabulary
13. Idioms & phrases
14. Antonym & Synonyms
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Number System
2. Fractions
3. Algebra
4. Ratio and Proportion
5. Understanding Elementary Shapes (2-D and 3-D)
6. Mensuration
7. Profit & loss
8. Average
9. Problem on age
10. Speed distance &Time
11. Percentage
12. SI & CI
13. Time & Work
1. Analogies
2. Aimilarities
3. Syllogism
4. Space visualization
5. Problem Solving
6. Blood Relation
7. Arithmetical Reasoning
8. Figure classification
9. Logical Reasoning
Haryana GK
1. Haryana districts
2. Stadium
3. Culture
4. Folk dance
5. Food
6. All historical places etc.
Mathematics :
1. Number System,
2. Knowing our Numbers,
3. Playing with Numbers,
4. Whole Numbers,
5. Negative Numbers and Integers,
6. Fractions,
7. Fractions,
8. Algebra,
9. Introduction to Algebra,
10. Ratio and Proportion,
11. Geometry, Basic geometrical ideas (2-D),
12. Understanding Elementary Shapes (2-D and 3-D),
13. Symmetry: (reflection),
14. Construction (using Straight edge Scale,
15. protractor, compasses),
16. Mensuration,
17. Data handling.
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